Enhancing thought leadership on sustainability

Karyna Prieto
Charlotte Garcia

Marco Nardini, a valued contributor since 2021, uses Tipeee to amplify his voice on architecture and sustainability. Nardini, an experienced architect, is on a mission to promote a community centered on self-critique and sustainable design principles. His goal: to enhance thought leadership.

Graduated in Architecture and holding a PhD in Environmental Design with a thesis on the Environment, Nardini has worked for several years in the eco-design sector. He was a lecturer in Industrial Design at the “Valle Giulia” Faculty of Architecture until 2009 and was also a member of the T.E.C.A. (Architectural Technology and Environmental Culture) section of the ITACA Department at La Sapienza University of Rome. Additionally, he has been part of the editorial board of the magazine Experience and the scientific committee of Best Up, an association for sustainable design.

Marco Nardini, Ecodesign Observer

Author of numerous essays, articles, and books such as “Behind the Scenes: Cutting-edge Techniques in Contemporary Design,” “Natural Light: Uses and Innovations,” “Design Recipes,” “The New Design Challenge,” and “The Walking Forest,” Nardini is a leading figure in the field of sustainable design and ecological architecture.

His most recent project, “Dog – Design Off Grid,” is a clear reflection of his passion for finding creative solutions to the environmental and social challenges of our time. The project features portable, self-sufficient housing modules for off-grid living.

Tipeee and the “Dog – Design Off Grid” Project

This ethos is at the heart of Nardini’s latest endeavor, “Dog – Design Off Grid,” hosted on the crowdfunding platform Tipeee. Tipeee is a unique service that enables content creators to generate sustainable income streams from their audiences. Supporters can subscribe at various levels to access exclusive content, join private communities, and fund their favorite projects.

For Nardini, Tipeee represents an opportunity to build a committed community around the principles of sustainable design. His “Dog – Design Off Grid” project provides members with articles, interviews, and design showcases that inspire new approaches to architecture and urban planning.

comunità impegnata attorno ai principi della progettazione sostenibile. Potenziare la leadership
Teamwork, Enhancing Leadership – Photo by Fauxels

Nardini believes architects, designers, and sustainability enthusiasts must adopt a more self-critical attitude. “Too often, we get caught up in the aesthetics and technical aspects of our work,” he explains. “But we need to take a step back and truly examine the underlying impact of what we create. Are we really designing for a sustainable future, or are we perpetuating unsustainable practices?”

Subscription Levels and the Role of Supporters

Perhaps most importantly, the “Dog – Design Off Grid” community serves as a platform for Nardini and his supporters to hold each other accountable. “We cannot expect to achieve true sustainability if we are not willing to challenge our own assumptions and biases,” he states. “That’s why I built this community – to foster an environment of open and honest dialogue where we can all grow and evolve together.”

Nardini’s Tipeee project offers various subscription levels to accommodate supporters at different levels of engagement. The most basic level provides access to the project’s online library of articles and resources. Higher levels unlock benefits like exclusive webinars, one-on-one consultations with Nardini, and opportunities to directly contribute to the project’s development.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Regardless of the level, all supporters play a vital role in sustaining Nardini’s vision. By funding “Dog – Design Off Grid,” supporters invest in Nardini’s work and promote sustainable design practices.

The Community at the Center for Enhancing Thought Leadership on Sustainability

Nardini emphasizes the need to empower individuals to actively shape the built environment through his Tipeee project. “Too often, architecture and urban planning are seen as fields dominated by experts and professionals,” he states. “But the truth is, we all have a stake in these issues. We all live, work, and play in the spaces that designers create, and we all have a responsibility to ensure that these spaces serve our long-term interests.”

Leveraging the Tipeee platform, Nardini is empowering his supporters to take on this responsibility. Through their contributions, they fund Nardini’s work and become active co-creators of a sustainable future. It is a powerful model that could inspire similar initiatives across a wide range of fields and disciplines.