Christmas is close and the web pesters you with a thousand and one possible ideas to buy the perfect Christmas present for you or your loved ones. Of course, I didn’t want to stay out of it, but help you through this frenzy of ideas, with one that I advise you not to ignore in this time of reconciliation and love.
If there’s one thing we know well, it is that the most important thing right now is to give. There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing the smile of those you love. But not only, even the smile in your neighbour’s face or simply happiness in front of others because it infects you with its spirit of brotherhood.
Nothing is better than giving love
There are many ways to reach those soul-warming smiles. But today I recommend you only one that may be the solution to that special thing you’ve been looking for.
I’m talking about compassion and love, about giving someone the chance to have a happy life and to be able to trust in human beings again. I’m talking about giving yourself the opportunity to enrich your heart with solidarity and with all the love this life will repay you with. I suppose you’ve already guessed what I mean. Yes, I’m talking about the adoption of a pet in need, those which, because of the irresponsibility of another human being, are now wandering souls in search of love.
How to do it?
There are many foundations that supervise the safety of these wonderful beings 365 days a year, but they are always crowded. That’s why I’m calling for action today. If this Christmas you were thinking of buying a pet for your family or as a gift, adoption is the best option. Give a chance to a helpless being, and at the same time you will help the fight against the unscrupulous trade in living beings.
Leave a good precedent for the next generation and help reduce the population of abandoned animals.
Remember it’s a living being, not a toy. So, before adopting, consider that you are going to take on a responsibility that will last for the rest of that pet’s life and that will require care and loyalty. The love you will receive in return will show you that it was truly the best Christmas present.
If you can’t adopt, DONATE
Here I share with you some foundations where you can adopt.
Italy; Viva street, Adotta un cane, Enpa, ProntoFido, LAV, Animali Smarriti e Ritrovati ADOZIONE
Spain Nuevavida adopciones, Santuario la Candela, Protectora Huellas
Ecuador Procan, Pae, MUSA, Fundacion Camino a Casa