Beauty Made Easy and the absence of plastics.
Perhaps best known to most people as the iconic Le Papier lip range, Beauty Made Easy is its parent brand. Its special feature? Sustainable lip care for plastic-free, elegant, vegan compliance and CO2 neutrality.
“We do small things, but we have great thoughts for sustainable lip care.
Beauty Made Easy was born as a Danish brand, in 2014. Fun fact, it has developed from the idea of mother and daughter, Terje Munck and Katrine.
The powerful idea behind it is to be a 100% plastic-free cosmetics company by 2023. The very cosmetic line they are most famous for was also the first and important big step.
This is probably the first lip product line made entirely from paper, vegan, biodegradable, all-natural ingredients.
Unique indeed, the brand opts for the radical choice of change. It also challenges the consumer to take an equally strong stand.
Important things to consider for sustainable lip care
There are a few factors to keep in mind. The first one is that we are all connected to each other, whether we are talking about nature or people. Our actions affect so many different outcomes. Therefore, one cannot just clean up the local environment and hope that everyone behaves right.
Solutions must be found, especially in diversity, not least because so far the beauty industry has generated more than 142 billion pieces of packaging in 2018. Most of it then ended up in the ocean or in landfills. And not even all of it is recyclable.

What makes Beauty Made Easy’s sustainable lip care different
The origin behind it all is definitely the unique type of packaging. In fact, it is made from different types of biodegradable papers from the sustainable forests of Scandinavia.
Plus, and here is the secret, since the products are plastic-free, you don’t even have to worry about empty, unused makeup containers.
As also pointed out above, all lipsticks are vegan, cruelty-free, and with only natural ingredients. The principle is to leave lips moisturized with combinations like jojoba seed oil that can moisturize them, releasing a deep flood.
Another key element is shea butter with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to protect lips.
Beauty Made Easy wants to give its consumers a choice of high-quality makeup that does not compromise an easy choice. A choice that is therefore truly sustainable.
Thus, by eliminating the thought of adding waste to landfills, artisan packaging becomes an easy and conscious choice.