As you know, make-up is one of our best allies when we want to make ourselves even more beautiful. Admittedly, though we love a cleaner look, when we need to add a touch of perfection and immagination, we can’t do without it, whether you have a party, a job interview, a dentist appointment… I’m joking, it can also be a gastroenterologist appointment haha. Well, I think the point has been made, right? We have to rely on this ancient and miraculous trick. But for this reason, it is important to consider that there are still ethical problems towards animals in the cosmetic industry. That’s why it’s important to choose products without cruelty towards animals.
This is why we can find unlimited options offered on the market. However, behind this range of brands that promises us extraordinary products which will undoubtedly make us look even more beautiful there is a grim reality. I’m talking about how they test their products to prove their effectiveness and to be able to put them on the market. Unfortunately, our beauty demands the well-being and freedom of many animals (which is not fair since they never use make-up). Anyway, not all brands resort to wild and ruthless procedures. There are brands that achieve the same goal and provide us with products that are free from this sadistic process.
I’ll add here a small list of my favorites. Watch out because this list is for reference only. It’s up to you to choose which of them is best for your skin and meets the expectations you’ve got about each product.
Cover FX

Fíor minerals



Lime Crime

Urban Decay

Anastasia Beverly Hills

Bottega Verde

Too faced

Besame cosmetics

If you’re looking for a specific cruelty-free product, and you don’t find it in the proposed options, you can search on Cruelty free international. You just have to select your country and product type.