In an era where environmental concerns and social responsibility have gained paramount importance, recent news has brought forth significant developments...
Sustainability as an increasingly green Italian fashion revolution From regenerated cotton to hemp. From bamboo fiber to production waste. Everything...
Today’s consumers are increasingly aware of the impact their choices have on the planet. Being informed about sustainability certifications facilitates...
As a consequence of the negative environmental and social impact it causes, the global fashion industry is re-evaluating its production,...
Sustainability in Interior Design is a well known term, but do you know what it really means? It consists of...
An insight into the world of ethical production Over the past decade, there have been profound changes in the cosmetics...
In recent times there has been a lot of discussion about sustainability.It is often stressed that from one’s own small...
In February 2024, the European Union approved new rules to protect the environment. The old regulations on environmental crime were...
More and more designers choose to launch all kinds of initiatives to bring sustainability to a wider audience, and projects...
Ideas and tips for a green smartphone 5.9 billion people worldwide have a mobile phone. Per definire la categoria è...
Whether you’re celebrating Christmas or not, the truth is that December is known for being a season of gift-giving. And...