The beauty industry has always played an important role in society. However, behind the patina of glamour and perfection that...
“In fashion, nothing is created nor destroyed”. It is with this statement that British fashion designer Christopher Raeburn summarizes his...
Reamerei is an emerging brand born in Milan in 2019 from the meeting of the minds of the founders Enrico...
Recycling. A word that for more than 50 years has been bouncing around on TV, newspapers, schools and politics. Literally...
Sustainable fashion continues to fascinate fashionistas all over the world, as confirmed by the Sustanaibility Report 2020 written by Lyst,...
The task we entrust to Renewable Energies is ambitious: to shape the future of mankind. If we go back over...
We have created different colours, different shapes and we use it for different purposes. We’re talking about wrapping paper. The paper...
Online shopping has made it easier for people to shop anytime and anywhere. People can now purchase items, try them...
Two years later and there are still countless examples of how our lives have changed since March 2020. The pandemic,...
Due to a new environmental awareness of the damage caused by the fashion industry, the second-hand buying and rental market...
Today, second-hand fashion is making its way more and more among consumers, above all the younger ones. Buying used clothes...