In a tragic turn of events, the world mourns the untimely passing of Mexican activist Elena Larrea, a cowgirl with...
Mushrooms are essential organisms for the ecological balance of the planet, as they provide benefits to other living beings and...
The human need for contact with nature is undeniable. Especially in the modern world, plagued by pressing routines that never...
Tourism is an important source of wealth for a country’s economic development. It generates commercial movement, creates jobs, drives the...
We all love to travel and get to know different places. Planning a long vacation or just a weekend getaway...
Detergents and hygiene products are used in everyday life for washing and caring for clothes and cleaning many surfaces around...
The linear business model of the fashion industry, which prioritizes “take-make-throw”, results in overproduction, overconsumption, and waste generation. The overproduction...
Climate change is the defining crisis of our time. Migration due to natural disasters is one of the most devastating...
As is well known, human action in recent times has harmed the planet’s health. Its consequences on the environment, climate,...
Elvis Paul Tangem is the coordinator of the Great Green Wall Project (GGWSSI). The Great Green Wall aims to heal...
Fashion is an industry where many workers engage in its extensive production chain. Achieving their well-being at work should be...
The cosmetics industry in the European Union is the largest in the world, followed by the United States, China, Japan,...