We live surrounded by plastic, a material which is found everywhere, and whose use represents a significant challenge for the...
Imagine you are an athlete and you are training or competing. Now, imagine that some time after a competition you...
Bioart and research make up a field with several artistic practices that open possibilities to generate knowledge. In Bioart, biology,...
Do you know what upcycling is, when it was born and how to put it into practice? If not, come...
Fashion has become an important part of the journey to motherhood. Maternity garments require certain functionality that nowadays must include...
It is common knowledge that plastic is a global problem. After a little more than half a century of entering...
Today, according to McKinsey & Co., more than 15 kilos of textile waste per person are generated in Europe alone,...
In recent years, we have seen major changes in different industries, with efforts towards sustainability. Industries such as fashion and...
By-products are often overlooked but are found to be extremely important for the ecosystem. Innovative use of by-products can address and...
The demanding life of world cities today exposes the problem of projection not only as the creative exercise of objects...
Assiduously innovative companies emerge with new materials as alternatives to leather or polyester, promising to revolutionize the fashion industry. Its...
In an era where environmental consciousness has become a global imperative, the construction and design industries are turning to green...