The jury of one of the world’s most prestigious advertising festivals, the Cannes Lions, awarded two campaigns created in Peru...
Artificial Intelligence is permeating people’s lives in every way. Just as the invention of the Internet once radically transformed people’s...
We live surrounded by plastic, a material which is found everywhere, and whose use represents a significant challenge for the...
In general terms, natural light is created precisely naturally by a precious source: the sun. The sun is 150 million km away from...
In an era where environmental consciousness has become a global imperative, the construction and design industries are turning to green...
“The Sun is the Giver of Life.” Ramses II. Sun worship is as old as humanity itself. From the Aztec...
Today, according to McKinsey & Co., more than 15 kilos of textile waste per person are generated in Europe alone,...
Humankind has been using the tools of artificial intelligence for more than sixty years now: from the first educated machines...
In the third week of July in 2022, the search term ‘global warming’ jumped 533% in the UK. The 19...
Do you know what upcycling is, when it was born and how to put it into practice? If not, come...
Have you ever heard of propylene glycol? It is presented as a transparent and usually odorless liquid that is made...
During the day, thanks to the transformation of food into energy, which is a bit like our fuel, we are...