According to Leon Battista Aberti, “the structure of things is governed by standards that also determine their formation; these constitute...
Murmure is a French art collective born in 2009. The street artworks are part of a constantly evolving project, whose...
Towards the end of the sixties of the last century a new artistic current was born, in sharp contrast and...
Graffiti and other forms of street art tell our times. In this new journey, I will make you reflect on...
Pablo Picasso once stated that “art washes away the dust of everyday life.” As if like water, art can become...
Sustainable architecture aims to minimize the environmental impact caused by buildings, by moderating the use of natural resources. Do you...
Have you ever wondered what makes us make decisions? Studies from Harvard University have shown that human beings make decisions...
How a work must be to be defined eco-sustainable in addition to the concept The definition of ecological art has...
Up to now, we have talked about many artists who deal with environmental issues, works created with recycled objects, as...
Urban biodiversity is represented by the variety of living organisms in their various forms combined in the urban ecosystem. In...
Before a crusade against artificial intelligence is launched, let’s try to reflect on its controversial aspects. Artificial intelligence can play a...
When we talk about nature in art we usually think of landscapes. Masters of classical painting such as the Flemish...