Can landscape be considered an architectural material? It is not easy to answer this question. What exactly is the “material”...
Fusing the best of traditional cultures with the best of modernity. To create architecture that is representative of the centuries-old...
He was born in Burkina Faso, studied in Berlin, and returned to his country to build his city’s school. He...
The transformation of a property or landscape requires balance. A constant balance between conservation and innovation. An element that combines...
The jury of one of the world’s most prestigious advertising festivals, the Cannes Lions, awarded two campaigns created in Peru...
Author of almost prophetic ecological house designs, Michael Reynolds has been a clear exponent of sustainable architecture for half a...
Olive tree pruning scraps, a large or a small object made by recovering wood from the forest. Collapsed trees destined...
According to some observers, in recent decades there has been a progressive disconnection between what architects design and what people...
Leave our kids alone says the famous line from the Pink Floyd song. It addresses to the rigidity of a...
The redevelopment of an area in New York City for the construction of several skyscrapers and a casino endangers the...